Monthly Archives: May 2019

Choose your utility provider

Moving Guide: New Zealand Utilities

When you move in New Zealand, you need to set up utilities at your new residence. Most rental properties require tenants to set up their utilities. Our utility guide will go over what utilities you need to set up. Many companies provide various utilities including internet, electric, gas, and phone service.  Many companies offer a discount if you signup for …

NZ internet map

New Zealand Internet Service Guide

New Zealand has a wide range of internet connection types and internet service providers.  The average internet connection speed in New Zealand is over 80 mbps, and New Zealand ranks as the country with the 23rd fastest average internet speed. The Southern Cross Cable provides New Zealand with most of its internet service.  It connects New Zealand to Australia from …

when to tip in New Zealand

Tipping in New Zealand

Should I tip? That is a frequent question of people that arrive in New Zealand.  Tipping in New Zealand is generally not expected, but if it does occur it is a bonus. Salaries in New Zealand are not based on tips like in some other countries. Most of the tipping in New Zealand occurs in the tourism sector. Restaurant Tipping …